
In the Sweet By and By... This morning, fog was as thick as pea soup, weather forecaster stated 0.0 visibility in many areas. Reminded Baby to be careful driving this morning, shook my head as I could not see the end of the driveway.  Walked out back, could hear neighbor rolling his dumpsters out for pickup today.  Then heard more noise, Wilson must be having trouble, must get dressed decent enough to be seen in public, and go help him.  Neighbor lady messaged:  "Are you up".  Well of course I am, anyway, "what's up?"  "Do you have anything we can use to pull my car out of the ditch?" Everyone knows I have a tractor and 4-wheel drive truck, and will lend a helping hand to anyone who may be in need.  "I will be right over"... Long story short, I could not find a towing point on the back of her newer Altima, and I was not in the mood to destroy anything....two more neighborly men came to help, they couldn't find a hook point either...